Monday, April 30, 2012

Changes to SAT and ACT testing rules

Hey everyone!

As many of you might have heard, there was an incident involving around 20 Long Island students cheating on their SAT and ACT exams. Here's a link to the story, in case you haven't heard of it -
In the wake of such events, the College Board and ACT Inc. have now strengthened their security measures. Let's take a look.

Changes to the SAT:

1. When you sign up to take the SAT, you will have to submit a recognizable photograph of yourself that will be sent to your school for verification.
2. A copy of this photograph will be printed on your admission ticket, and be made available to the testing center.
3. No more stand-by (walk-in) testing shall be allowed.
4. No changes to the testing center or test type will be made the day of the exam. They will have to be requested in advance.
5. Showing a photo ID as a proof of identification will be mandatory for all test takers.
6. Students' identity will be checked and rechecked between breaks, and upon completion of the test.
7. Students will have to sign a certificate acknowledging that any impersonation could lead to persecution.

Changes to the ACT:

1. Students will be required to submit a head-shot of themselves with their registration.
2. Students must present a a valid photo ID along with their photo admission ticket to gain admission into the testing center.
3. If the student completes the test, the uploaded photo will be sent to his/her school.

These measures are meant to ensure incidents of cheating can be avoided, but they will also consume more time. Do these say something about the new ethical and moral standards adopted by young Americans? What are your thoughts and opinions? Share them with us - comment! We look forward to hearing from you.

Here is the main source I used to write this entry -

Wingardium Leviosa :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Testing Tips

So I'm sitting here at 1:37 am, trying to contemplate how to calculate the orbital velocity of an asteroid around the sun, and I want a break, so I'll just write this.
AP exams and SATs are around the corner, and with all the home work, practice tests and projects, students are swamped! In these challenging times, here are a few ways to help you succeed -

  1. Start early. Don't start preparing a few days before the exam. Not only will you be panicked at that time, and hence more likely to forget what you read, you will also not be able to cover the immense syllabus of the course. Like the Scouts say, "Be Prepared!" 
  2. Stay healthy! It's easy to overlook your health in times like this, but be sure to stay hydrated(there's a discount on vitamin water at Ralphs :P) and munch on fruits and veggies. Avoid too much caffeine as it can be harmful, and get a few hours of sleep daily.
  3. Study in groups. Meet up with friends once a week and study together. That way you can help each other with problems, and discuss new strategies to approach the coursework. But be sure you are studying! It's not cool to end up discussing Drake's latest album instead of finishing that home work.
  4. Ask questions! You teachers understand that you're nervous, and since testing is so close, make sure to clear any doubts and have questions answered well in time. Find out your teacher's office hours and drop by with questions, if you have any. Who knows, they might be impressed at your efforts and give you a better grade ;)
  5. Stay calm. This isn't the end of the world. If you do well on your tests, great! If you don't even better! Always remember, academic success doesn't always determine how successful you'll be in the "real world", but don't let that be a reason for not working hard.
Alrighty, I'm tired and still have my English home work, so good luck and blow those tests away!